Eye of the Beholder

Eye of the Beholder
"There is beauty all around us ...just waiting to be seen"
"She's at it again"... the words of my children as they see me approaching with my lens cap off and my tripod tucked beneath my arm. "Mom.... no more pictures ... pleeeeaaase!" and I say to my children.... "One day you will be grown, I will be old and this world will have changed in a million different ways, and the only thing I will have to remember the seasons of your youth and the wonder of these times are my photos... so I will close one eye and try to keep focus and you will smile and say cheese!"

Monday, December 18, 2006

"Uncle Morley"

Thank you Morley for letting me take these pictures... You are "one of a kind".... and we are certainly glad you are one of "our kind".

"Salt Water Cowboy"

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Bella & Jamie - Winter Days

Sunday, December 3, 2006

"Trimming The Tree"

Trimming the tree…..

Unruly branches twisting about,
bending and turning
until they stretch symmetrically
out to us.
Each tiny needle
holding on with all might,
to remain part of the
twinkling ambiance.
Each tiny finger of green
wriggles in hopes
of glimmering light.
We surround its being
from bottom to top
beads of bright.

We pull from the past-
tiny reminders
admired and then lovingly
placed on a limb
"Baby's first Christmas",
"I love you mommy";
"Christmas 1986".
Each fond memory
hung with tiny hands
upon the heart of

I hear songs of season
and the softness
of giggles as
they hold the red bulbs
close to their face...
"Look mom,
My nose looks so big"
"Look mom,
my chin looks funny"
and I hold up a bulb
in hopes of showing them
how big my heart is
at that moment.

I wish I could
wrap up this time
like the gift that it is,
as my children lay
with their heads
resting upon
the skirt of the tree.
I watch the glow of the lights,
dancing across their smiles...
I watch the warmth of this night
shinning in their eyes
My world feels right
as their angel sits atop the tree,
and my angels lie beneath it.

-Reide 06’


Christmas 2006


Sunday, November 26, 2006



Saturday, November 25, 2006

"Where Peaceful Waters Flow"

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"Beautiful Girl"

"Following Father's Footsteps"

Cape Spear - Newfoundland

"Morning Dew"

Monday, November 20, 2006

November Days

"Nanny's Girl"

"Arms around your neck right now..... Arms around your heart forever "
-Reide 06'


Thank you Sheila for letting me indulge in my camera madness and for letting me post some of the pics here.... Miranda is a very beautiful baby.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Time worn wood
Where fishermen stood
Standing here
I am never alone
Feel the soul of sea
Wash over me
And I know in my heart
This will always be home
-Reide 06'

Around Town

A city old at mouth of bay
A port of dreams I dare to say
Where every home and every store
Bids you “welcome” from Eastern shore

Where heart extends beyond its home
To make you feel you’re not alone
Where friendships made are sure to last
Far beyond her narrow pass

-Reide 06'