Eye of the Beholder

Eye of the Beholder
"There is beauty all around us ...just waiting to be seen"
"She's at it again"... the words of my children as they see me approaching with my lens cap off and my tripod tucked beneath my arm. "Mom.... no more pictures ... pleeeeaaase!" and I say to my children.... "One day you will be grown, I will be old and this world will have changed in a million different ways, and the only thing I will have to remember the seasons of your youth and the wonder of these times are my photos... so I will close one eye and try to keep focus and you will smile and say cheese!"

Friday, March 2, 2007

"Wave over Wave"

There lies the sky
Holding the universe over my head
Placing boundaries on my soul
Threatening always
To swallow me whole
leading me on
Keeping me lost amongst the clouds

There in the rustling of the leaves
I hear the music of youthful stream
Pounding path to new beginnings
Winding and churning
A way to the sea
wash over me
This urge to dabble toes into its dream.
-Reide 07'